Monday, June 13, 2011

Dungeons!!!! Oooooohhh spooky!

Here are some photos from my last post:
This is Kristi at Lipsy


The Priscilla Theater


Lsiney and I at World's End


And our super fun tea at Harvey Nichs


That brings us to Friday. Friday morning we had our orientation to Paris in class, and then left as a group to Camden Market. As soon as we got off the tube it started pouring rain. Crazy wind blowing umbrellas inside out kind of weather. Lainey and I trudged on with a few others but most of the class turned around and went home. I love Camden. It has so many different types of shops and places to visit all crammed into a not so big space. This is the delicious vegan food that we found while walking around:


We warmed up with lasagna and delicious hot drinks while it continued to pour outside. We spent a little more time in Camden before we decided to head back to the flat and start to get ready for our night out. We went to Electric Dreams an 80s themed night at the London Stone pub. It was super fun and Lainey and I got to get all decked out. We had intentions of helping our teacher to get just as silly as us, but then toned it down quite a bit :) Here is the best pic I have of Lainey and I from the evening:


Saturday we had a late start, but managed to catch the tail end of a Punch and Judy show in the park right next to our flat.


We get to walk through this awesome park every single day pretty much. We wanted to see the entire Punch and Judy show but when we asked the man about the next showing he didn't seem to take us very seriously. After a bit we met up with Ashley to go on an adventure! Our adventure plans kind of sizzled while we searched for food. It took a long time, but we managed to find a yummy place with great miso soup. We then proceeded to look for some secret tunnels that were used during WWII. The map and directions led us to this:


An empty square. We came to the conclusion that the tunnels are sooooo top secret that they are now hidden and you have to go into a secret trap door to get to them. We decided to head home after our tunnel let down and were held up in Trafalgar Square due to some traffic congestion........ NAKED traffic congestion!!!




Hundreds of naked people were riding bicycles down the street around Trafalgar Square. No one could get through and it wasn't really clear why they were doing it. Lainey asked a person why they were naked and cycling and they responded that it was just for a laugh...... London is crazy. After the naked fest we finally got to ride on the second level of a double decker bus!


It was fun sitting up top and seeing a different angle of London. Saturday evening we made attempts to go out and have another fun night of dancing but it failed miserably. We ended up in a too crowded club with extremely rude people. Oh well. Sunday ended up being enough fun to make up for our crappy night though. We went to the London Dungeons!!



It was super cheesy and super fun. You get to go on ghost rides and walk through spooky tunnels while character actors tell you some of London's grim history. On our way home from the dungeons we crossed the Tower Bridge.




Once home Lainey and I spent a hundred million hours trying to finish our presentation and paper. We got too silly and then couldn't agree on anything haha

Today, Monday, we went to Prudence Millinery. It was absolutely incredible. She has so much passion for what she does, and is able to create beautiful hat after hat. She offers classes, so I will be starting a millinery class fund piggy bank :) I will post my Prudence photos and a better explanation when I get them uploaded. I need to go to bed since I leave for Paris in the morning!!! I am so excited :D

1 comment:

  1. simply amazing!! i am speechless....and it keeps getting better!!

    Cant wait to hear about Paris!!

    love Joe
